MAESTRO – Multi AgEnt STability pRedictiOn

Point mutations can have a strong impact on protein stability. A change in stability may subsequently lead to dysfunction and finally cause diseases. Moreover, protein engineering approaches aim to deliberately modify protein properties, where stability is a major constraint.

In order to support basic research and protein design tasks we have implemented MAESTRO, a Multi AgEnt STability pRedictiOn tool for changes in unfolding free energy upon point mutation. MAESTRO is structure based and distinguishes from similar approaches in the following points: (i) MAESTRO implements a multi-agent machine learning system. (ii) It provides predicted ΔΔG values along with a corresponding prediction quality measure. (iii) MAESTRO is applicable to biological assemblies. (iv) It provides high throughput scanning for multi-point mutations where sites and types of mutation can be comprehensively controlled. (v) Finally, the software provides a specific mode for the prediction of stabilizing disulfide bonds.

MAESTRO is implemented as command line tool. Executables for Linux, Windows (32 and 64 Bit) and OS X (64 Bit) are freely available for non commercial use. In addition, our new web service MAESTROweb provides access to the most important features of MAESTRO.